Q: Can you estimate how long it will take for the rotation rate of pulsar PSR 0833-45 to reach half its present value? Current frequency f1 = 11.205 cycles per second 11.209 cycles/sec - 11.203 cycles/sec rate of slowdown = -------------------------------------- 5000 days - 1000 days = 1.5 x 10^(-6) cycles/sec per day In order to go from current rate to half current rate, must decrease to 1/2 f1 = 5.6 cycles per second which means that it will change from 11.2 to 5.6 cycles per sec, a change of 5.6 cycles per second. That will take change of 5.6 cycles/sec ---------------------------------------------- change rate 1.5 x 10^(-6) cycles/sec per day = about 3,700,000 days = about 10,000 years