Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 22:04:55 +0900 (JST) From: Taichi Kato Subject: [vsnet-grb 52] BeppoSAX ALERT: GRB010214 To:, BeppoSAX ALERT: GRB010214 The position is well located in the morning sky. Please try! TITLE: GCN GRB OBSERVATION REPORT NUMBER: 932 SUBJECT: BeppoSAX ALERT: GRB010214 DATE: 01/02/14 12:45:30 GMT FROM: Luigi Piro at IAS/CNR Frascati BeppoSAX ALERT: GRB010214 On Feb. 14, 08:48:11 U.T. a new Valentine GRB (GRB010214) has been detected simultaneously by the GRBM and WFC2 aboard BeppoSAX. Preliminary coordinates from WFC are: R.A.(2000)= 265.191 DEC.(2000)= 48.564 The error radius at this stage of analysis is 5'. We are planning a BeppoSAX-NFI observation. G. Gandolfi on behalf of BeppoSAX Mission Scientist ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 23:32:36 +0900 (JST) From: Taichi Kato Subject: [vsnet-grb 54] GRB010214 refined WFC position To:, This information is from GCN No. 933: TITLE: GCN GRB OBSERVATION REPORT NUMBER: 933 SUBJECT: GRB010214 refined WFC position DATE: 01/02/14 14:18:40 GMT FROM: Luigi Piro at IAS/CNR Frascati GRB010214 refined WFC position Refined coordinates of GRB010214 from WFC are: R.A.(2000)= 265.252 DEC.(2000)= 48.544 The error radius is 3'. G. Gandolfi on behalf of BeppoSAX Mission Scientist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRB010214: BeppoSAX/NFI Observations TITLE: GCN GRB OBSERVATION REPORT NUMBER: 937 SUBJECT: GRB010214: BeppoSAX/NFI Observations DATE: 01/02/15 14:29:39 GMT FROM: Luigi Piro at IAS/CNR Frascati GRB010214: BeppoSAX/NFI Observations A BeppoSAX TOO observation of GB010214 has started about 6 hours after the GRB. Preliminary analysis of the first orbits show a source in the MECS(1.6-10 keV) image. The position is: RA = 265.234 Delta = 48.566 The error radius is 1.5 arcminutes. We detect a clear fading behaviour of the X-ray source, but at this stage we cannot exclude a faint contamination by RASSFS Catalogue source 1RXS J174042.9+48340 at 2.2' which may slightly affect the position of the afterglow. More refined analysis are in progress. G. Gandolfi on behalf of BeppoSAX Mission Scientist