Spacing between stars and between galaxies ------------------------------------------ Our Sun is a typical star; it has a radius of about 6.7 x 10^8 meters. Its neighborhood is pretty typical for the disk of the Milky Way. The nearest star to the Sun is the Alpha Centauri system, which is about 1.4 parsecs away. 1. What is the ratio space between stars ------------------- radius of a star 2. John and Marsha are typical adult human beings. About how far away from each other would they have to be in order to have the same relative spacing as stars in the solar neighborhood? ========================================================================= The Milky Way is a pretty typical spiral galaxy. It has a diameter of about 10 kiloparsecs. The nearest big galaxy is the Andromeda Galaxy, which is about 750 kiloparsecs away. 3. What is the ratio space between galaxies ---------------------- radius of a galaxy 4. John and Marsha are typical adult human beings. About how far away from each other would they have to be in order to have the same relative spacing as galaxies in the Local Group?