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Physics 212, Quiz #1a: Dec 3, 1997

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Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle, has a femur (thigh-bone) which is 4 cm in diameter and 45 cm long, under normal conditions. One day, to show off to Jane, he lifts Tantor the elephant (mass = 3000 kg) over his head.

Question 1: What is the stress on Tarzan's femur?

                           Force            (mass of Tantor)*(g)
   Answer:  stress = ------------------- =  ----------------------
                     cross-section area       pi*radius*radius

                     (3000 kg)*(9.8 m/s^2)         2.94x10^3 N
                   = ------------------------  =  ----------------
                       3.14*(0.02 m)*(0.02 m)      1.26x10^(-3) m^2

                   = 2.34x10^7 N/m^2

Under the stress of Tantor's weight, Tarzan's femur compresses to a length of 44.5 cm.

Question 2: What is the strain exhibited by Tarzan's femur?

                     change in length     45 cm - 44.5 cm      0.5 cm
    Answer: strain = -----------------  = ----------------  = ----------
                      original length          45 cm            45 cm

                   = 0.011   (no units)

Question 3: Calculate Young's modulus for Tarzan's femur.

    Answer: the formula involving Young's modulus is

                stress   =  Young's modulus * strain

                                    stress          2.34x10^7 N/m^2
                Young's modulus = ------------  =  -----------------
                                    strain            0.011

                                = 2.1x10^9 N/m^2

This page maintained by Michael Richmond. Last modified Dec 4, 1997.

Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.