Astronaut Al (M = 80 kg) floats motionless in space. He holds a wrench (mw = 2 kg) in his hand, and wears big space-boots (mb = 3 kg) on each foot.

At t = 0, Al throws the wrench at v = 3 m/s relative to his body, due East.

  1. How fast is Al (and his boots) moving now?
  2. Write an equation for the position of the wrench as a function of time.
  3. Write an equation for the position of Al as a function of time.
  4. Write an equation for the position of the center of mass as a function of time.

"Ooops," thinks Al, "that was a mistake. I'm going to need that wrench to get back in the ship." At time t = 10 s, Al takes off his left boot, turns, and throws it as hard as he can due West, so it moves at 10 m/s.

  1. What is Al's new velocity?
  2. Will Al catch up to the wrench?