Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Using the ballistic pendulum to predict the maximum range

Let's repeat the earlier experiment, but with two small variations.

In theory, an elevation of 45 degrees ought to yield the maximum range of the device. In real life, air resistance complicates things, but let's see how close theory is to experiment.

Here's what we need to do:

  1. fire the gun at "long-range" setting and measure the maximum angle θ of the pendulum's arm
  2. compute the muzzle velocity v1 of the gun on this setting
  3. measure the vertical distance h1 + h2 of the muzzle above the floor
  4. predict the distance x1 + x2 that the ball will travel before striking the floor

The instructor will make these measurements in class and write down the values of θ, h1, h2, and x1. Your job is to predict the distance x2.

Make a copy of the spreadsheet below.

Perform your calculations, enter your results, and submit the spreadsheet into the myCourses Assignment page.

Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.