A sprint finish at the Tour de France

A pair of bicycle racers have broken away from the pack and are approaching the finish line. The road is perfectly straight, headed due North. Each rider is going at a conservative speed of v1 = 10 m/s North, saving his energy for the final sprint. The wheels on each bike have a radius of R = 0.34 m.

At just the right moment, Peter makes his move. He accelerates as fast as he can to his maximum speed, increasing to v2 = 21 m/s North over an interval of t = 8 s. Just as he reaches maximum speed, he crosses the finish line -- the winner!

  1. What is Peter's linear acceleration during this sprint? Provide both magnitude and direction.
  2. What is the angular acceleration of the wheels? Provide both magnitude and direction.
  3. What is the angular displacement of the wheels? Provide both magnitude and direction.
  4. How far from the finish line did Peter start his sprint? Provide both magnitude and direction.