You are in charge of designing a mission to take astronauts from Earth to Mars. At their closest approach, the distance between the two planets is roughly D = 80 million km. Let's make the number of significant figures explicit by writing the distance as D = 8.0 x 1010 m.
Q: How many significant figures are in the distance?
Your rocket engineer says that he can build engines which will accelerate the ship at a = 1 gee = 9.8 m/s2. (Notice that the acceleration is also given to two significant figures).
"Fine," you mutter. "I'll re-design the mission so that the ship accelerates for half the distance, then turns around and DE-celerates for the other half. It will reach Mars with zero velocity."
"Ugh," you groan. "We'll have to use half the fuel to accelerate to a top speed of vmax, then coast at that speed until we are almost to Mars, then turn the ship around and de-celerate so that we hit zero speed at Mars itself."
None of these possibilities is very close to the actual journey that astronauts might take to Mars. In our examples, we've completely ignored the forces of gravity from the Earth, Mars, and the Sun, and we've also ignored the fact that the Earth and Mars are both moving through space in their orbits. A realistic trip to Mars will follow a "Hohmann orbit"; you can learn more about them
Copyright © Michael Richmond.
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