Jane moves at v = -0.3c relative to Fred.

                                      general                in this case
                                   -----------------       -------------------
     Galilean transforms:    x'  =    x - v*t           =       x  + 0.3*t  

                             t'  =      t               =       t

    Event                        Fred                       Jane
                            t=           x=           t'=        x'=
1.  Line of men 
    starting at x=0,
    1 m apart,
    raise hand at
    t = 0

     man at x=0             0          0          

     man at x=4             0          4

     man at x=8             0          8

     man at x=12            0          12

2. Man at x=0 has cold.     0          0

    At t = 5, coughs.       5          0

    At t = 10, sneezes      10         0

3. Doggie runs across 
   field at speed 0.2c
   to left.  At t=0,
   doggie at x=8.           0          8

   Dog barks at t=5         5          7

   Dog barks at t=10        10         6

4. Bird flies to right
   at 0.9c.  At time t=0,
   bird at x=-3.            0          -3

   Bird chips at t=0.      

   Bird meets Dog           10         6

5. Man with cold flashes
   laser to right at t=8.   8          0

   It strikes flower
   3 seconds later.         11         3