Outline of "Exoplanets in 2024"

Course material can be found online in several places:


Michael Richmond
E-mail: mwrsps@rit.edu

Class hours

   Tuesday    2:00 -  3:20 PM   CAR-1230
   Thursday   2:00 -  3:20 PM   CAR-1230

Office Hours

   Monday     1:00 -   2:00 PM  CAR-1274                          
   Wednesday  1:00 -   2:00 PM  CAR-1274
   Thursday   noon -   1:00 PM  CAR-1274
   Friday     9:00 -  10:00 AM  CAR-1274
You may call to make an appointment. If my office door is open, feel free to enter. I'm almost always in my office :-(


Homework problems must be written or printed onto paper and given to the instructor by the assigned due date. You are welcome to work together on the problems, but you must write all the steps yourself on the papers you submit.

Answers to the homework problems will appear after the due date. Because the answers will be visible to everyone at that time, I will accept no late homework.


There are several components to the final score in this course. The list below is not definitive, but a rough guide to the importance of each component.
   20  percent  in-class quizzes and discussion
   40  percent  homework 
   20  percent  oral presentation 
   20  percent  final project
  100  percent

If you know in advance that you will have to miss an assignment, please contact the instructors.


There is no official textbook for this course. However, there are books which we recommend that you read. These books may clarify material covered in class, and they may also give you a second view which makes more sense to you than our explanations.