This homework must be submitted on paper or in PDF format via E-mail ( before 17:00 on Wedneday, Nov 13.
This homework is based on the recent paper JWST/NIRISS reveals the water-rich "steam world" atmosphere of GJ 9827 d by Piaulet-Ghorayeb et al., ApJ 974, L10, 2024. Please have a copy of that paper handy, and scan it over before you attempt to answer these questions.
R(s) = 4.04 x 108 m
R(p) = 1.26 x 107 m
depth = 0.00098
obs depth ~ 0.001
in-transit time = 1.3 hours + 1.3 hours = 2.6 hours
= 9,360 seconds
2 pipelines: supreme-SPOON and NAMELESS
By using two independent methods, they can verify that the results are robust, or discover some limitation of the code (or the data!) if the results don't match.
width is about 0.1 - 0.2 microns = 1000 - 2000 Angstroms
bins are about 0.02 microns wide = 200 Angstroms
yes, the bins are at most 1/4 the width of the lines
features about 30 ppm = 0.000 03 = 3 x 10^(-5)
In that case, the fractional uncertainty is
sqrt(N) 1 fractional uncertainty = ------- = ------- N sqrt(N)
So, for example, if one collects N = 100 photons, one expects random fluctuations in the number to be about +/- 10 photons, which means the fractional uncertainty will be about 0.1, or one-tenth.
Your answer to question 5 was a small quantity, much less than 1. Assume that you are trying to measure a feature in the light curve which is this small. How many photons N must you collect so that the fractional uncertainty in your counts is as small as the amplitude of these water vapor features?
(Hint: the number N should be very large -- much larger than 100 or 1,000.)
[ 1 ]^2 N = [ --------------- ] =~ 1 x 10^(9) [ 3 x 10^(-5) ]
Assume JWST circle with diameter 6.5 meters, area A = 33.2 sq.m. A = 33.2 sq.m. x 10^(4) ( = 3.32 x 10^5 N = 11.5 photon/ * 3.32 x 10^5 = 3.82 x 10^(6) photons/sec
1 x 10^9 photons time T = --------------------------- = 262 seconds 3.82 x 10^6 photons/sec
actual exposure time = 9,360 seconds
If you have questions about this homework, or you aren't sure what to do, please contact me so I can help.