Astro capstone meeting notes: Mar 1, 2022 Present: Richmond, Dussault, Lertviwatkul Dussault had some issues with format in bibliography - Richmond has placed some links to resources in the Discord, under "paper" topic; see in particular Dussault shows (O-C) diagram - has found 15 times of minimum, 1974 - 2015. Good! (some may be times of secondary minimum) (can subtract 0.5 from O-C for a secondary minimum, and include with primary measurements; use a different symbol in the graph for any such secondary values) - modify the y-axis to be (O-C) in days, not just fractions of period - don't forget to add your own measurement -- with different symbol - do you see real patterns and trends, or random scatter? try to estimate or look up uncertainty in time, use that to judge if trends are real Nititee shows (O-C) diagram - there appears to be a clear linear trend for most of the modern data but a few outliers. Are they secondary measurements, or typographical errors? Please double-check references - one paper mentions a bunch of measurements made in 1840 - 1910. Can one add them to the modern measurements? Best to make a second copy of (O-C) which includes them, and keep one copy without them. What are uncertainties in the older measurements? For next time, - please create new and improved (O-C) diagrams include your own measurements check and double-check outliers - read articles I provided to see what one can learn from (O-C) diagrams. For example,