Astro capstone meeting notes: Jan 25, 2022 Present: Richmond, Dussault, Lertviwatkul Nititee shows his light curves - has complete data in B and V - discussion of good vs. bad data -- which measurements to keep and which to discard - important: keep copies of BOTH all measurements, and graphs using all measurements only the good meausurements, and graphs using only good data - try to identify the reasons for bad measurements Michael shows his light curves - V light curve complete, still working on measuring B-band images - keep working Calibration into magnitudes - AIJ provides (star - sky) in INTENSITY units, for both target and comparison stars - we need to convert to MAGNITUDE units, with proper calibration - step 1: use Aladin to look up B and V magnitudes of two comparison stars. Note the uncertainties in magnitudes as well - step 2: pick one of the comparison stars. Compute mag(var) = mag(comp) - 2.5*log10[ inten(var)/inten(comp) ] Do in both B and V bands. - step 3: pick the other of the comparison stars. Again compute mag(var) = mag(comp) - 2.5*log10[ inten(var)/inten(comp) ] - step 4: compare the two sets of B mags, and two sets of V mags. If all went well, they should agree Tomorrow (Wed, Jan 26): Nititee shows calibrated light curves