Astro capstone meeting notes: Jan 18, 2022 Present: Richmond, Dussault, Lertviwatkul Plan for the next few weeks: - create a "raw" light curve in B or V (whichever hasn't been done yet) - investigate outliers: look at the images on which discrepant images are measured try to identify a reason for the bad measurement once reasons have been identified, we can eliminate those measurements from further analysis - convert all measurements of brightness to magnitudes - calibrate the magnitudes using comparison star(s) - in addition to B and V light curves as a function of phase, make a (B-V) light curve as a function of phase Plan for later in the semester: - look through the literature for radial velocity measurements of your stars - use the radial velocities and your light curves to compute masses of the stars - use the radial velocities and your light curves to compute sizes of the stars - compare your results to those determined by other astronomers There are additional calculations one can do if time remains in the the semester. We'll talk about those later. Tomorrow (Wed, Jan 19): Nititee gives a practice version of his presentation