2/22/2022: - Dussault's spreadsheet with phase values matches my calculations of phase; that is, for a given image, his phase = my phase. That's good. - my photometry suggests that the primary minimum is very close to phase = 0.0. A quadratic fit to data within +/- 0.03 phase yields minimum at phase = 0.998; a fit to within +/- 0.05 phase yields minimum at phase = 0.996 - Dussault's photometry has a primary minimum close to zero; Quadratic fit to data within +/- 0.03 phase yields min at phase = 0.992; fit to data within +/- 0.05 phase yields min at phase = 0.985. - my photometry has secondary minimum at phase = +/- 0.05 min at phase = 0.509 phase = +/- 0.10 min at phase = 0.499 (looks much better) - Dussault's photometry has secondary minimum at phase = +/- 0.05 no good fit phase = +/- 0.10 min at phase = 0.494 phase = +/- 0.20 min at phase = 0.498