Publications Department -- Proceedings
Proceedings of the 1987 Mid-Atlantic States
("Pack Rats") VHF Conference
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) has for some years published the Proceedings of various regional and national VHF, UHF and Microwave conferences. These Proceedings contain a wealth of information which should prove beneficial to the more technically inclined SETI experimenter. They can be purchased through the ARRL, 225 Main Street, Newington CT 06111. Rus Healy, NJ2L, has most generously compiled the following Table of Contents:
VHF Mountaintopping--John Lindholm, W1XX
SHF Receivers--Geoff Krauss, WA2GFP
Transceivers for the 3400 MHz and 5600 MHz Bands--Dave Mascaro, WA3JUF, and Ron Whitsel, WA3AXV
Two 7289s on 903 MHz--Ken Schofield, W1RIL
VHF/UHF GaAsFET Preamplifier Update--Joe Reisert, W1JR
A 404-MHz Local Oscillator--Paul E. Drexler, WB3JYO
The Diplexer Filter: A Method for Enhancing Double-Balanced
Mixer Performance--Paul E. Drexler, WB3JYO
RF Man's 903 MHz Transverter--Ron Whitsel, WA3AXV
903 MHz UT-141 Filter--Ron Whitsel, WA3AXV
Microwave Building Blocks--Dave Mascaro, WA3JUF
Converting Surplus Cavity Filters--Gary Hitchner, WA2OMY