The XMM-Newton Optical Monitor data available directly through MAST consists of two types of data: images in several different filters, and source lists. The XMM images are simple primary array FITS files and should be readable with most FITS readers. The header contains the WCS keywords. All the XMM-OM data has been reprocessed using the standard omichain/omfchain pipelines in SAS 6.5.0. See a brief description of the OM which is an excerpt of a paper by Kuntz (in prep). A section describing the processing and catalogue creation was also excerpted from this paper at The following is an excerpt of the paper by Kuntz in prep describing the filenames, and some details about the formats and contents. The following table summarizes the file naming convention. Note that mosaic image files taken in different modes have different names: this is to ensure that all of the mosaicked images are retained if a given observation has a mixture of imaging modes; one could possibly have multiple images in the same filter but different modes. Overview nnnnnnnnnn_filt.fits mosaic from default imaging mode nnnnnnnnnn_filt_HR.fits coadded hi-res image center from default imaging mode nnnnnnnnnn_filt_E.fits mosaic from "ENG4" imaging mode nnnnnnnnnn_filt_EM.fits mosaic from "ENG2" imaging mode nnnnnnnnnn_filt_FA.fits coadded hi-res image from fast imaging mode nnnnnnnnnn_om_source_sas.fits original source list produced by SAS nnnnnnnnnn_om_source_v00.fits original source list reformatted nnnnnnnnnn_om_source_v01.fits source list with corrected coordinates Low-Resolution and High-Resolution Mosaics: A mosaic image is contained in a FITS file with two extensions. The first extension is the actual image. The second extension is the exposure map. To be consistent with the standard omichain output format, all images are normalized to a 1000s exposure; the image units are counts per 1000s. The part of the image that is outside the OM FOV contains "NULL" values. The header contains the standard WCS keywords. As should be clear from the description of the processing, there are multiple generations of coordinates to be considered, and all of those generations have been retained in the header. The original coordinates of the mosaic are retained in the CRVAL1R and CRVAL2R keywords. These coordinates are from the first science window used in the construction of the mosaic, and these coordinates do not reflect any of the values in the source lists. We first corrected the mosaic coordinates to the values in the RA and DEC columns of the source lists; these coordinates are listed in the CRVAL1S and CRVAL2S keywords. The OFFSET1R=CRVAL1S-CRVAL1R and OFFSET2R=CRVAL2S-CRVAL2R keywords contain the offset between the two coordinate systems. We then corrected the mosaic coordinates to the values in the RA_CORR and DEC_CORR columns of the final source list; these coordinates are listed in the standard CRVAL1 and CRVAL2 keywords. The OFFSET1S=CRVAL1-CRVAL1S and OFFSET1S=CRVAL2-CRVAL2S keywords contain the offset between the two coordinate systems. The original pre-coordinate-correction CDELT1 and CDELT2 keywords have been moved to CDELT1R and CDELT2R and replaced with CDn_n keywords. Finally, the MEAN_EXP keyword is the mean exposure time for the image as calculated from the exposure map. Since the mosaicked image is calculated from several science windows that may overlap, the MEAN_EXP keyword reflects the amount of overlap. Source Lists: Three generations of source lists have been retained. The om_source_sas.fits file contains the source list output by SAS 6.5.0 in binary FITS table format. The om_source_v00.fits file is a reformatted version of the om_source_sas.fits file which preserved most (but not all) of the columns in the SAS produced master source list. The only columns in the om_source_sas.fits which are not contained in the om_source_v00.fits files are those containing the colors of the sources in the standard photometric bands. This information can be reconstructed from the instrumental magnitudes using the formulae in XMM-SOC-CAL-TN-0019 *gzipped ps file. For the purpose of creating a single OMCat, (Kuntz in prep) the source lists for individual obsids have several small format differences from those output by SAS; columns containing vectors of values, one element for each filter, have been split into a single column for each filter. Note that there are two sets of coordinates listed for each source. The coordinates in RA and DEC are the coordinates before SAS pipeline correction by the USNO-B1 catalogue; the coordinates in RA_CORR and DEC_CORR are post correction. The om_source_v01.fits file is identical to the om_source_v00.fits file with the exception of the RA_CORR, DEC_CORR, and RMSRESID columns which contain the results of the post-pipeline coordinate correction. If the RMSRESID value is zero, then no coordinate correction ws made. See a list of the columns at